70 is just a number. But in terms of mortality, it's a decent number. I'd rather be younger, but I'm happy to be here. And at 6:25 this evening (2-27) I will be, in fact, 70.
At a family birthday party last weekend, my son Matt asked me what inspired my move from multi-image slideshows into video production as the primary medium for "audio-visual communications".
We were waiting in the car for his bus back to NYC. Just as I was about to start spewing whatever popped into my head, his bus rolled up. As we said our goodbyes, I remember that I had written something about that move way back when. It was for the magazine "Multi-Images", which was published by AMI, the Association for Multi-Image, the trade group for those in the multiple slide projector show business.
I found the article, scanned it, and sent the PDF to him the next day. It was written five years after I left my first business to start a second business on my own, bringing some staffers from the first business with me. Date of publication was 1987 or so. What I wrote was basically honest, although I simplified the motivations for starting over somewhat. Anyway, the PDF is below, and if you're up for a magazine article sized read, you're welcome to indulge and comment.